Online Catalog
Click the link above to search the catalog for any item in the library, to reserve items or to renew checked out items.
To reserve or renew items, you will need:
Click the link above to search the catalog for any item in the library, to reserve items or to renew checked out items.
To reserve or renew items, you will need:
- Username (your five digit library card number)
- Password (the last four digits of your library card number)

To access eBooks and eAudiobooks, click on the link above. A new page will open for the Northeast Texas Digital Consortium. Click on "Sign In" at the top of the page. To log in, choose Whitehouse Community Library and add three zeroes in front of your library card number.
To access eBooks and eAudiobooks, click on the link above. A new page will open for the Northeast Texas Digital Consortium. Click on "Sign In" at the top of the page. To log in, choose Whitehouse Community Library and add three zeroes in front of your library card number.
- Username (000 + your five digit library card number)